ECOS is a nonprofit public benefit Corporation and is organized to perform educational activities within the meaning of the California Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c)(3). Specifically, the purpose for which the corporation is organized is the establishment and promotion of interest in, and the furtherance of the following goals:

  • To establish a clearinghouse for information concerning multiple aspects of energy and energy research
  • To provide resources and information about cutting edge research in the area of energy, including policy, resources and its environmental impact
  • To facilitate global communication and exchange of information between energy scholars; to disseminate such knowledge, information and materials to the public, energy planners, energy providers and industry decision-makers.
    While ECOS was founded on thermodynamics, which is still an important driving topic, it has, as it must, taken on a much broader look at energy and its sustainability.

Read more on the ECOS International Society Website.