General Information

The time allocated for all oral presentations is 15 minutes in total, followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussion at the end of each speech. It is very important to keep in track with the times as scheduled in the program, as there will be 4 sessions running in parallel.

All rooms will be fully equipped with laptop PC, projector, microphones, and laser pointer. So, speakers are not required to bring their own laptop or tablet. Presentations should be in PDF or PowerPoint format and should not include pre-recorded speeches.

All speakers must hand in their presentations in a flash drive labeled with the speech ID number to the designated desk at the entrance hall of the Conference center by the end of the previous day, or, at least early on the day of their presentation.

Speakers are asked to contact the session Chair(s) before their session begins, having prepared in advance a “golden” paragraph with a brief biographical description.