Mr. Konstantinos Chatzifotis is Director of European Affairs of MΟΗ Group, Member of Board of Directors of Hellenic Hydrogen and registered lawyer in Athens Bar Association (2005). He has served as Member of Cabinet of EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship (Brussels, 2016-2018), Head of Cabinet of a Vice President of European Parliament (Brussels, 2005-2014), as well as senior advisor of International and EU Affairs and Funding for various Ministers of the Greek Government (Ministry of Development, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food). He has also advised and supported as external EU funding expert numerous Greek Ministries, Regional and Local Authorities in strategic planning, developing, promoting and managing EU co-funded programs and he has participated as legal expert in international ICT projects. He holds a DES in EU Law (ULB – Belgium), an LLM in ICT Law (KULeuven – Belgium), and a Bachelor of Laws (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki –Greece). He has received scholarships from the Alexandros Onassis Foundation and the Church of Greece.